disembody|disembodied|disembodies|disembodying in English


[dis·em·bod·y || ‚dɪsɪm'bɒdɪ]

separate body and spirit; disconnect from the body

Use "disembody|disembodied|disembodies|disembodying" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disembody|disembodied|disembodies|disembodying" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disembody|disembodied|disembodies|disembodying", or refer to the context using the word "disembody|disembodied|disembodies|disembodying" in the English Dictionary.

1. His death disembodied his spirits.

2. An order from a disembodied voice.

3. Her own disembodied voice, speaking.

4. A disembodied voice, a dead girl's voice.

5. Balastar is a disembodied wizard's skull

6. The troops were disembodied after the war.

7. Disembodied voices could be heard in the darkness.

8. Some believe the dead return to earth as disembodied spirits.

9. Powerful computers birthed the fantasy of a pure disembodied intelligence.

10. And Notes from Underground is precisely such a fable of disembodied consciousness.

11. He suddenly turned his head as though a disembodied finger had tapped his shoulder.

12. As companies become disembodied into some Barlowian cyberspace, they take on the character of software.

13. Another phenomenon related to the subtle body is the perception of disembodied entities.

14. Balastar is a disembodied skull living within a gelatinous cube he Stockholmly calls Greg

15. Later claims included disembodied voices, loud noises, thrown rocks and toys, overturned chairs, and children levitating.

16. Rawls's representative agent is portrayed as a disembodied party devoid of any substantive human characteristics except rationality.

17. D'Arcy punched the intercom button and introduced himself to the disembodied Oriental voice at the other end.

18. Anything else I should know before I become some disembodied thing, completely at his mercy?

19. Why could the word “spirit” not refer to a disembodied part of a person that survives death?

20. Listen: https://mosessumney.lnk.to/Aromanticism-I’m not a body, the body is but a shellI disembody but suffering is sovereign,StillNo grasp on realityThe wor

21. I stood on the parapet, looking out over the town of Swindon, willing myself to feel less disembodied.

22. None of Luke's students could see the disembodied spirit of their Master, but the young Jedi twins could.

23. Balastar is a disembodied wizard's skull that is trapped within a gelatinous cube he affectionately calls Greg

24. Beyond the actual physical spaces of global cities lies another metropolis-the virtual city and the disembodied encounter with Cybena.

25. Fijian mythology holds that this island is the disembodied spirits' point of departure from this world to the afterlife.